專業的運動員不僅需要扎實的訓練,運動科學的研究理論也是不可或缺的輔助角色。然而,我們忽略了關鍵性的問題 : 科學家與教練之間存在著一條隱形的鴻溝。科學家時常怪罪教練不懂科學,而教練也會認為科學家不懂運動,其實學術理論與實際應用就像兩條健壯的腿,唯有二者分工合作,才能讓運動員跑出亮眼成績。
Current gap between Lab and Field 解決方法
If sport scientists can't communicate and integrate with coaches, you're just collecting data. Sport scientists need the ability to communicate the significance of their findings to the athletic world. Coaches: science has little to offer, or science has not caught up with what we do yet. Coaches do not read or use evidence-based training methods due to the lack of scientific background and scientific knowledge. |